(353 words) The search for happiness is one of the most significant places in all world literature. Many great writers on the pages of their works are trying to understand what happiness is, how a person can find and hold it? The famous Russian author A.I. asked a similar question. Kuprin in his story “Lilac Bush”.
He tells us a story about a married couple - Nicholas and Vera Almazov. Kuprin paints before us a picture of not the easiest life of this family. Nikolai is a kind, but stupid person, suffering one defeat after another in his life path. Only the third time he entered the officer academy, worked hard, but at the last exam he made a terrible mistake in practical work on shooting the terrain. Arguing with the professor over the bushes on his map, he is on the verge of exposure and a new shameful failure. Nikolai Evgrafovich himself is not persistent and firm in spirit, he is a weak man, prone to panic, who is ready, after the first failure, to easily fall into despair. But he can be called a real lucky one, because he is married to a woman like Vera. From the very beginning, she supported him after all the failures, inspired new attempts, and herself suffered hardships and helped her husband in every possible way, seeing the whole meaning of her life in his success. When Nikolai was ready to put up with another failure and apologize to the professor, Vera completely took control of the situation. Having laid all the jewelry that could be found in their house at the pawnshop, she personally went with the workers to plant the ill-fated bushes of lilac in the right place, agreeing to leave only when she was convinced that her little trick was impossible to recognize. The husband could only obediently follow her and ask him to abandon the disastrous undertaking. The very next day, Nikolai, in the most cheerful mood, returned home. Talking about the success of Vera’s enterprise, he didn’t fail to regret that he had deceived the elderly professor so much, while it was completely clear to the reader that he overcame this life test solely thanks to his selfless wife, who, without reproaching him with a single word, sincerely rejoiced at the success of Nikolai Evgrafovich.
According to Kuprin, true happiness lies in love. Faith is truly happy, because she loves, and therefore no worries and hardships have the slightest significance for her in front of the happiness of an unsophisticated but still beloved husband.