Interesting Articles

Scarlet dawn

Twenties. On the outskirts of Madrid, which is adjacent to several city cemeteries, live Manuel Alcázar with his widowed sister Ignacia and Salvador, who lives with them, with her young brother Enrique. Manuel works as a typesetter in a printing house, Salvador works in the finished workshop in the morning ...

Now and forever

The protagonist of the story, Private Robert Lee Prouit, was born and spent his childhood in the mining village of Garlan, which in the thirties became famous throughout America thanks to a strike of miners brutally suppressed by the police. In this strike, the hero’s father was wounded and imprisoned, and his uncle was shot as “having ...

Profession Mrs. Warren

Act One Vivi Warren is twenty two years old. She is alive, decisive, self-confident, cold-blooded. Having grown up far from her mother, who had lived all her life in Brussels, then in Vienna and never once allowed her daughter to come to her, Vivi never knew anything about the flaw: the owner of brothels, Mrs. Warren ...

The Story of Henry Esmond

Events take place in England at the very beginning of the 18th century, during the reign of Queen Anne, the last of the Stuart dynasty. Anna has no children, and therefore, after her death, the throne should go to representatives of another dynasty - Hanover. However, the court party and military circles want to see on the throne ...


Taoist spell

The old peasant is constantly thinking about the economy; a shepherd boy enjoys honor and glory every night. For a long, long time, not far from each other lived a sage-Taoist Zhuangzi and a certain Mo Guang, a venerable rich peasant. And in the village found an orphan who found shelter with strangers. His ...

High school students

It is in this part of the narrative that the main circle of friends of the protagonist is formed (a company consisting of Kartashev, Kornev, Dolby, Berendi, Lario and Darsier) and common interests with them. The initial confrontation (“Kartashev's party” - “Kornev's party”) of the two most respected and respected students ...


Italy, the twenties of the XX century. Three days in the life of five people: a middle-aged lady, Mariagration, the mistress of the declining villa, her children, Michele and Carla, Leo, a long-time lover of Mariagration, Lisa, her friend. Conversations, dates, thoughts ... Of all five, one Leo is happy with life and says that, ...

Book fiction about space and aliens

In the world of science fiction, an important place is occupied by books about space and aliens. Tales of uncharted and boundless space have always been of interest to people. Here are collected the best novels, opening the veil of secrecy about space. Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Ford Prefect ...

The meaning of Husky’s song “Judah”

Judas Iscariot is known to all of the Gospels as one of the 12 apostles who betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. His name has long been a household name and is associated with the word “traitor”. Despite this, in literature, music and other genres of art, Judas often appears in the image of Jesus' companion....

Habitual thing

A man rode on woods Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov. He got drunk with the tractor driver Mishka Petrov and now he is talking with the gelding Parmyon. The goods for the store are being brought from the general store, and I drove drunk to the wrong village, which means that only at home in the morning ... It's a usual thing. And at night, on the road, Ivan Afrikanovich catches up with the same ...

Analysis of the story of I. Bunin "Cuckoo"

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was a master of psychological portraits in his works. He was interested in the attitude of various sectors of society: from peasants to landowners. For the most part, his gaze was directed not so much at their way of life as at the inner world of man and his emotions. The results obtained ...

Summary of Bunin's story Dark Alleys

I.A. Bunin was in exile in 1937, where he wrote a collection of Dark Alleys, which he later considered his best work. Despite the fact that the work “Dark Alleys” is not the first in this collection, it plays a key role in shaping it. (292 words) Events occur ...

US Literature

Sisters of the Golden Ring

The tour bus rides the newlyweds of Williams. Behind them go a guy with a girl. The newlywed girl began a lively conversation. Suddenly, in the middle of the street, a man became. And from the sidewalk another hurried to him. The girl’s companion jumped out of the bus and disappeared into the crowd of people. Man standing in the middle ...

Soviet literature

Russian character

: After returning from the war with a disfigured face, the tanker does not want to scare loved ones and is called by a different name. The heart tells the mother that this is her son, and the bride remains with the hero, despite his injuries. “Russian character! - the title is too meaningful for a short story, but to the narrator ...

British literature

The Disappearance of Lady Francis Carfax

: A woman inheriting rare jewels disappears. Sherlock Holmes finds a crook who tried to take possession of jewelry by burying a woman alive, and saves her right from the grave. Sherlock Holmes turns to Miss Dobni for help with a request to find her pupil, Lady Francis. Time ...